Sunday, November 24, 2013

The beginning.

So I graduated from college in May.

Although it's only been a few months since my graduation, those months almost seem like years.

Growing up, all any kid wants is to be done with school.  Forever.  However, when the imminent college graduation actually occurs it has a tendency to leave aforementioned "kid" (now a young adult that is, most likely, struggling their way through a quarter-life crisis) with a school-shaped hole in their life.

Over the months since my graduation, I have added quite a few things to the "Things Katie Never Thought She'd Say" list.  Among them:

"I miss school."

"I miss homework."

"Is it weird that I want to write a paper for fun?" (Yes, Katie. Yes, that's weird.)

However, what I have discovered since May is that I can work to fill this vastly empty hole with all of the things that I never had enough time to do when I was a student.

I suppose writing (for fun) is one of them.

So here goes?

I don't necessarily have a goal or a theme that goes along with this blog. 

And I guess it's just as much for myself as it is for the public.  

For me, I hope that it can serve as an outlet for my recently rediscovered creativity as well as act as a place where I can share things that inspire me.

For all of you (whoever you end up being) I hope that it can be.... something.


  1. I have a large school-shaped hole inside me and I am REALLY struggling to find things that will keep me occupied. I just found one.. reading Katie's blog. (Katie's my BFF, get over it world).

  2. Wanting to write papers for fun is totally normal. Right?
