Wednesday, March 4, 2015

January 19 - El Comienzo

Picture me, standing on a sunlit balcony, a light breeze blowing, my hair fluttering, looking out at the beautiful, hazy Colombian mountains from the city of Medellin.

Got that image in your head?


Now, picture me, head back, eyes closed, mouth open, sweating uncomfortably, scrunched in a ball, my book open on my chest, fading in and out of sleep while loud Colombian music plays as the bus, that would hardly pass inspection in the US, rattles along, occainsionally dodging other vehicles on the twisting and turning roads.

I'll let you decide which image is more accurate.

*     *     *

I have been in Colombia for 2.5 days.

Medellin is amazing.

Full of fresh fruits, cervezas, homemade empanadas, meeting new people, and catching up with my sister and our travel companion (and childhood friend), Amanda.

We rode the metro cable, overlooking the city, and walked along a path in the mountains, passing through a park and near a river, ultimately reaching a bus stop where we rode a crowded bus an hour back to the heart of Medellin to prepare for a gathering of friends that Maggie had arranged -- our Colombian debut.

*insert flourish where necessary*

The next day I was spoiled by our visit to the Plaza Botero and the Museo del Antioquia, where I was able to see original works by Medellin's own Fernando Botero, famous for his absurdly voluminous figures.

I was particularly lucky that I came to el museo during an exhibition of Colombian and Mexican artists that featured works by Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo.

What. A. Treat.

That evening, Maggie took us to El Poblado (another area of Medellin) to "tomar un cafecito" in what can only be described as a hipster coffee shop, more akin to the ones in Brooklyn than in the rest of Medellin -- cold brew and all.

After a delicious dinner, made by Maggie's boyfriend, Jhonny, it was off to bed for a few short hours before our 5:30AM wake up call to travel to the bus terminal and board a bus to travel 9 hours south to the city of Cali.

Medellin in 48 hours -- WHEW!

Until next time!

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