Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Reflection or something..

A year ago, I celebrated the first moments of 2014 at a party in a new city, amidst (soon to be) new friends and tequila shots, with a kiss from my gay roommate as another friend puked in the sink next to us.

I really hate New Years resolutions.

You don't need the New Year as an excuse to change something in your life.  If you really want to change, you can do it on your own.

That being said, there is something kind of nice about ringing in the New Year with a goal.

So, I think my vague, unofficial New Years resolution for 2014 was, quite simply, to make it better than 2013.

In hindsight, I think I was being a little dramatic, but at the time, all I could think of was how much 2013 sucked.  Like.... royally sucked.

So, here I am, just hours away from 2015, reflecting on the past year. 

I hate to be cheesy but...........

2014 was great.


Maybe it was just about my mindset, maybe it was because I was determined to make it great, I don't really need a reason.  I'm just happy that it was the way it was.


  • I discovered Asheville.  Sure, I had already lived there for a few months, but 2014 was when I really discovered the city.
  • Similarly, I discovered yoga.  (I had done it off and on for years, but 2014 was when I really realized what it was all about for me..... thank goodness and namaste, y'all.)
  • I was reunited with family members I hadn't seen in years.
  • I made an unforgettable group of friends, the kind of friends that almost feel like family. You know who you are.
  • I road-tripped up the east coast with a good pal from my semester abroad that I hadn't seen since 2012.
  • I was able to return to Buck's Rock Camp in Connecticut and reunite with old friends, make new friends, foster some creativity, eat a lot of peanut butter bars, learn a little something about forgiveness and second chances, and feel inspired by the youth as well as my peers that surrounded me.
  • I worked on my first theatre production since college and received a much needed reminder of why I once wanted to devote my life to it.
  • I was able to make a whirlwind trip to Florida to see my beautiful cousin get married and visit with old friends and family.
  • And I moved back home for a bit.  Some might not see it as a highlight, I certainly had my moments.  However, I was able to save money, reflect on life, make some plans, appreciate the beauty of Vermont, hang out with my dog, and most importantly nurture my relationship with two of the most important people in my life (Hi Mom and Dad).
So there you have it.  

A list of things that is entirely irrelevant to most of you.  So, I'm sorry if I wasted your time.

But, I'll leave you with a small piece of my vast, vast fortune of wisdom (do you sense the sarcasm?).

If you're determined to make 2015 great, it will be. 

But these things don't happen on their own.

Have a happy, safe, and healthy 2015.

And, as always, thank you for reading.

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