Saturday, May 3, 2014

Back in the game.

Many of you probably know that in high school I was a bit of an actress.

A passion that ultimately led me to pursue my potentially useless degree in Theatre Studies (still holding out hope, cross your fingers for me, folks.)

However, as I've expressed to some of you, I feel that my scholastic path led me a bit off track and I forgot why it was that I had originally fallen in love with theatre.  

But man! It is so hard to get your foot back in the door. 

So, since I've been in Asheville, I've auditioned for a couple community productions (to no avail) and I've been thinking of the different ways that I could reincorporate acting/performing into my life.

And then I got the opportunity to work on a short film that a friend was producing/directing/editing/etc.

Sure, it's not Broadway or anything, but it's definitely a step in the right direction.

So a big shout out to Jameson Hartrum for giving me a chance!

For those of you that are interested in seeing my first foray into acting in about 5 years, here is the link:

(I apologize, I'm a little rusty.)

And speaking of things I haven't done in 5 years, I just ran my first 5k since senior year of high school, so, fuck yeah!

~ Love you all ~

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