Friday, August 26, 2016

24 Lessons I've Learned at 24

I'd like to start by formally apologizing (to anyone who cares) for not updating "This is Life" in so long.   A lot has happened since April and hopefully I'll start updating "regularly" again soon.  But now I'm here to continue an annual tradition started in 2014 --

One year ago today, I sat on my parents' porch in beautiful Vermont and wrote a list of 23 lessons I had learned at 23.

I ended by saying: "Stay tuned for 24 -- a lot can change in a year."

Insightful, considering I had no idea exactly how much was about to change...

Coming up on my 25th birthday (don't even get me started...) I only have about a week left for this installment.  So here goes, 24 lessons I've learned at 24.  Bear with me...

1. Having an oven is underrated.

2.  Count your blessings.

3.  Just going to go ahead and state it for the record -- yoga always helps.

4.  Try new things.

5.  Go to Turkey for the food, South Africa for the landscapes, India for the sheer experience, and Cambodia if you want to drink cheap beer, see lots of temples, and... melt.

6. You do you.

7.  Read the news.

8.  Anyone who speaks English as a first language is blessed beyond belief.

9.  Modern communication is a revelation.

10.  Just do it.

11.  Respect your teachers.

12.  Something cliche about how money is a necessary evil.

13.  Treat yourself.

14.  When beers cost 50 cents you tend to drink a lot more of them.

15.  Haters gonna hate.

16.  Freelance = Free food.

17.  Put lime on your omelettes!

18.  As they say, distance does make the heart grow fonder.

19.  Take big chances.

20.  Being selfish is not always a bad thing.

21.  Move to Southeast Asia for the cheap massages alone.

22.  Put yourself in other peoples' shoes.

23.  For the love of all that is good -- do not, I repeat: do not overstay your tourist visa in India.

And last but not least...

24.  You are the only person that can create change in your life -- create it.  Change is good.

~ Stay tuned.  At this rate, 25 could be a doozy! ~