Monday, May 4, 2015

23 Lessons I've Learned at 23

About a year ago, I sat at my desk in the Group Sales office at the Crowne Plaza Tennis and Golf Resort in Asheville, NC and made a list of 22 lessons I had learned at the age of 22.

Now I am sitting on my porch in Vermont on a beautiful day and feeling inspired to keep the tradition going.

So... here goes.

1. For better or for worse, people will always surprise you.

2. Yoga still helps.

3. Work to live, don't live to work.

4. Don't second guess yourself -- trust your intuition.

5. Live a little.

6. Stop searching for your "purpose".

7. Optimism is key.

8. Salt, tequila, lime -- repeat -- switch back to beer.

9. Take advantage of being young.

10. Baths are important.

11. Having hairy armpits is strangely satisfying.

12. Money sucks.

13. It's a small world --

14. --the world is also really fucking big.

15. There is an art to efficient sandwich making.

16. Find ways to do the things that you love.

17. Everything in moderation.

18. Vitamin D. That is all.

19. Find balance in your life.

20. Perspective matters.

21. All those people that told you about how much worse your hangovers become as you get older? They weren't kidding.

22. You can turn any day of the week into Sunday Funday.

23. Strive to be happy. Always.

Stay tuned for 24 -- a lot can change in a year.