Friday, January 16, 2015

My brain hurts.

Have you ever had one of those days where there is so much going on and so much for you to do that you find yourself unable to think because your head is too clogged up with a jumble of unorganized, bullet-pointed to-do lists? And your cluttered brain makes very little room for self-motivation to actually do all of these things it's telling you to do? And instead you just want to sit on the floor and cry?

This has been the last few days for me, I truly have no idea where I found the motivation to blog.  Probably just using it as an excuse to keep the rest of my "ducks" very distinctly not "in a row."

Here's a synopsis (a list of bullet-points, of course) of my last 48 hours, not including the part where my friend's car got stuck in the snow for an hour and a half on top of a mountain in the middle of nowhere.

  • Say goodbye to my boyfriend as he departs for his flight back to the Eastern Hemisphere.
  • Run errands.
  • Talk to one of my aunts on the phone.
  • Try to come to terms with the fact that on Saturday, at 5:00 AM, I will fly from Boston to Medellin, Colombia to begin a 4 week South American adventure with my sister and our friend, Amanda.
  • Come to terms with the fact that I haven't started packing.
  • Procrastinate by watching 8 episodes of friends with my brother (damn you, Netflix).
  • Figure out how I'm getting to Boston.
  • Actually pack.
  • Try to remember how to pack light.
  • Re-pack.
  • Talk to another aunt on the phone.
  • Fix my camera.
  • Check-in for my flight online, only to find that I am not qualified to check-in online? Whatever the fuck that means.
  • Fight with customer service over the phone.
  • Say goodbye to my brother and my mom.
**Insert intermittent crying where appropriate.**

In the spirit of bullet-points, here are some of the feelings I've felt based on this sequence of events.
  • Sad.
  • Stressed.
  • Fuck.
  • Tired.
  • Hungry.
  • Sad.
  • Angry.
  • Confused.
  • Fuck fuck fuck.
  • Excited?
  • Frustrated.
  • Sad.
  • Sad, sad, sad, sad.
  • Sad.
But here I am.

My to-do list finally seeming manageable:
  • Shower.
  • Walk Mac.
  • Go to the bank.
  • Say goodbye to Dad.
And around 4:45, I'll be heading down to Boston to wait for my 5:00 AM flight.

I'm not bringing my computer with me and I'm not sure what my wifi situation will be while I'm there, but I hope to be able to give you all a few updates during my trip!

Time to stop feeling sad and stressed and start feeling excited and lucky to be able to have this experience.

So far 2015 has been a lot of hiking, beer, snow-shoeing, reading, loving, skiing, driving, and eating. 

Can't complain.

Although, I am looking forward to adding "selfie at Machu Picchu" to the list.

Now I have to go walk my dog (check!).

Catch you on the flipside, y'all.