Friday, September 26, 2014


I have never been one to pay attention to or keep up with popular culture.

Somehow, I always seem to be 10 steps behind everyone else.  

-What is Twitter and why do people use it? 

-I never "lol." 

-And what the actual fuck does "bae" mean?

However, with the ever-increasing use of social media, there is one cultural phenomenon that has not entirely escaped me.

The concept of the "basic bitch."

Urban Dictionary defines a "basic bitch" as such:

"A girl who...wears Uggs, leggings, oversized sweaters, and posts pictures of her iced Starbucks white chocolate caramel soy latte on Instagram..."

A couple of good friends and I shared amusement just the other day through a Buzzfeed article that gave a list of steps demonstrating how to dress up as a "basic bitch" for Halloween.  The list included: yoga pants, a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks, a North Face jacket, and Ugg boots.

I won't lie.  "Basic bitch" is fun to say.  It's funny to joke about and I don't think there is much weight behind the insult due to it's widespread and frequent use in the media and among our generation. 

My main qualm with this concept is that this overall definition of a "basic bitch," as agreed upon by the general public, seems to consist of a very broad and superficial list of character traits. 

It is at this point that I must refer to another recent trend in pop culture: Emma Watson.

Ever since she made her speech about the launch of the HeForShe campaign in front of the United Nations, people cannot get enough of her; reblogging, posting, tweeting, sharing, liking, and commenting at every chance they get. 

I applaud her, I really do.  But I have done some research and I have some unfortunate photos to share with all of her fans:

Uggs, dear readers. Emma Watson in Uggs..... And is that a baggy sweater I see?

Just Emma being fab, right? Take a closer look at that cup in her hand.  She is drinking Starbucks, folks! I wonder if it's Pumpkin Spice...

And last, but certainly not least:

I didn't want it to be true... but, alas. Our Emma is wearing leggings... Or, even worse... Could they be yoga pants?

So, with this evidence, are we all in agreement that Emma Watson is just another "basic bitch" like the rest of them?

Personally, I kind of hope not.

Because if being the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador at the age of 24 is basic, then I really don't think there's a lot of hope for the rest of us.

And while, in good fun, I am a bit of a self-proclaimed "basic bitch," I don't think I would ever want someone to seriously describe me as "basic."

I don't want to toot my own horn, but I think I have some interesting qualities... Right?

Does that mean I don't enjoy the occasional PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte)?

No.  They are one of the reasons that fall is my favorite season... I wish I was joking.

Do I wear yoga pants and baggy sweaters?

Hell yeah.  That shit is comfortable as hell.

Do I have a North Face jacket?

No.  I have two.

And any girl who hasn't buried her toes in a fluffy pair of Ugg boots when that cold weather comes around, hasn't lived. 

The end.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

What the Doctor Ordered...

Allow for me to apologize again for my almost complete lack of posting during the summer months.  Again, most of it can be attributed to the crappy wifi connection at camp.  The rest, unfortunately, must be attributed to my laziness and preoccupation with other things.

I will give you a quick list of highlights from my summer at Buck's Rock:

  • I made lots of art.
  • I participated in an 8 mi. road race.
  • I got really drunk and cut my toe open at '80's prom (no campers allowed, don't worry.)
  • I performed with my co-counsellor and my camper at a chamber music recital.
  • I finally finished the book I'd been working on for 6 mos.
  • I started writing a series of short stories.
  • I got to reconnect with lots of good people and meet lots of new ones!
This list merely touches on the events that made this summer an unforgettable one.  At this point, I have to give a shout out to all of the people that helped make it so enjoyable.

However, after spending the vast majority of my spring surrounded by my lovely Asheville friends, followed by a 2.5 week road trip with my friend Cathryn, followed by two months surrounded by campers and co-workers, two of whom came home with me for a week after camp, after which I spent a week back in Asheville to celebrate Miguel's and my respective birthdays (the return of Sunday Funday!), I finally came home to some much needed R&R and peace and quiet.

One of my main objectives over the last few days has been to find a job somewhere in the Upper Valley, in the hopes of saving some money before the imminent "rest of my life" begins.

That being said, I am actually a big fan of unemployment.

Sure, if I went unemployed for too long, I would absolutely go insane, but, for now, as the title of my post suggests, it is "...just what the doctor ordered."

I have found in the last few days that not having a set schedule allows for one to really and truly focus on themselves and the way that they want to live their life.

As for me, true to character, I've been going to bed early and waking up early (with plenty of time to enjoy my day).  I have been doing lots of walking and running in addition to the usual yoga that I practice.  I have been cooking lots of yummy and healthy, home-cooked meals and, subsequently, eating those meals.  I've been spending long overdue time with my dog and my parents. I've started watching Arrested Development (late to the game, I know, but goddamn, that is a funny fuckin' show) and started a new book, Ken Kesey's Sometimes a Great Notion (so far, highly recommended).

I think the thing that I have noticed most in my (hopefully) brief stint at unemployment, is how much having that extra time allows you to appreciate things.

For years, I have claimed that my attention span does not allow for me to start a new television series, that I can't invest myself in it enough.  The same goes for reading, while I've always known that I enjoy reading, I find that my mind tends to drift to all of the other things that I could (and probably should) be doing instead.  However, in the past few days I have done both of these things, and I've had the time to actually enjoy them.  Perhaps there's an argument for intellectual stimulation somewhere in there?

Even while practising yoga, easily one of my favorite activities, I often find my mind wandering to the other things going on in my life, kind of defeating the purpose of the very important "clear your mind" aspect of the practice.  However, while practising in my front yard yesterday, I found that I was, in fact, able to clear my mind.

Blah, blah, blah, cheesy, I know.

Now, instead of giving you more arguments for unemployment, I am going to go make pesto with my Mom and prepare for a job interview (hypocrite, much?)

But, that whole unemployment thing.... If you get a chance, give it a shot.