Thursday, April 10, 2014

22 Lessons I've learned at 22:

1. Post-grad sucks.

2. Everyone looks cuter in the winter.

3. You will never have enough money.

4. Try not to let #3 ever stop you from doing something you're passionate about.

5. Move somewhere just for the hell of it.

6. Don't settle.

7. Flush out the toxins. Literally and figuratively.

8. Read your horoscope.

9. Sunday-Funday is the best day of the week.

10. Don't worry about your dancing. There are people worse than you, I promise.

11. Yoga will always make you feel better.

12. Anyone can get a job (whether they deserve it or not.)

13. That being said, co-workers can make all the difference.

14. Existential crises are real.

15. Budweiser is not, in fact, the king of beers. Neither is PBR, Rolling Rock, Miller High Life, or Nattie Light.

16.  Step out of your comfort zone.

17. You can always do better.

18. Don't knock it 'till you try it.

19. Treat yourself.

20. Tequila is dangerous. Period.

21. Remember to look in the mirror.

22. Do what makes you happy.

Stay tuned for the "23" edition.  Let's see how many of these stay constant.